Yoga Storytimes

Once a month, Sònia Alcoberro holds yoga storytime at La Salina for ages 1-6 and their grown-ups. This storytime is 30 minutes in length with an additional 15 minutes for a craft or mandala on the floor.

She reads one of her books (available at out bookstore!), and then acts it out in yoga poses; repetition is SO good for learning! She also practices some form of sun salutation, dancing, pranyama (breathing exercises), and savasana (final resting pose).

Buy your tickets here!

You can easily book your next musical session online in a few clicks!

If you have any questions or you wish to know the date of our next meeting, please write us a Whatsapp message or follow us on Instagram to be stay the loop!

This event is held in Spanish / Catalan / English